Heidi Barnett Slocomb

Profile Updated: September 14, 2011
Heidi Barnett
Homepage: www.heidislocomb.com
Occupation: Real Estate Broker for 30 years
Children: Ted Slocomb, now 45 years old (! ) and works for a large pharmaceutical firm. My daughter-in-law, More…Malgorzata, designs couture gowns in the San Diego area. I have two adorable grandchildren, Alex 8, and Valerie who is 5.
Yes! Attending Reunion

Attended UCLA after Tech and majored in Biology and Art. Married (a Technite, no less, Class of '59, but am now divorced.). Practiced as a Registered Dental Hygienist for 10 years then, after cleaning my millionth tooth, went into real estate in Central Contra Costa County and have been a real estate broker for over 30 years. Looking forward to retiring (someday) but haven't yet since, most of the time, I love what I do.

Like to travel when I can and have been to Europe, China, Greece, Mexico and other countries and popular island destinations. Many of my trips in the past few years and adventures have been with my sister, Brenda, Tech Class of '55.

Skiied and played tennis until my knees no longer cooperated and took up golf at age 50. Still mediocre at golf but love it. Also have become a "beader" (jewelry maker and beadoholic,) visiting gem shows and bead shops where ever I go. Interests include visiting art shows and museums, taking a daily hour walk, gardening, reading, and visiting grandchildren in San Diego.

School Story:

Looking down the list of classmates is really surreal. I have seen a few classmates and other Technites over the years but certainly did lose touch. Thank you to those who built this great website and worked to organize the upcoming reunion.

As I was writing the comments above, I was thinking about Miss Burnett, a really terrific teacher, who I believe drilled punctuation into us and made us learn Word Power Made Easy. I think I had better brain cells in those days.

Also just thought of the following story which is a postscript to Tech...I decided I
wanted to teach after college and was selected to student teach at Chabot Observatory...when I got there, my "master" teacher had been one of my science teachers at Tech (I dare not mention who it was) but he had a different name than one he had at Tech. Something about the whole set up was very fishy, although at Chabot Observatory in 1966 I did get to see a whole air-conditioned room full of floor-to-ceiling computers and was given a manual to "learn" about the operating system(s). Who knew what lay ahead! I also went to Claremont Jr. High to student teach and the kids were so out-of-control, after about six weeks, I decided that I really wasn't cut out to teach at all since my first reaction was that the only way I could ever calm these kids down was with tear gas.

Those experiences did give me new respect for the teachers at Tech and Claremont who managed to teach us at all.

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Sep 16, 2016 at 8:50 AM

09/16/2016 ..... Better late than never to access this website since the 50th Reunion which was terrific. So shocked and saddened to hear of Diane Manning Freeman's death. I just hadn't been in touch classmates since the reunion. Diane and I went to some of the 50th Reunion events together and had a wonderful time catching up even fo those few hours.

Finally retired from over 33 years as a real estate broker. Have now had time to travel more and connect more with friends and relatives I's lost touch with. Joined one of the local gyms where I ran into many of the people I'd lost touch with! Still enjoying golf but am taking lessons to improve.

I look forward to seeing classmates tonight and tomorrow!

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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:11 PM
With son Ted
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:11 PM
With grandchildren - Alex and Valerie