In Memory

Joe Pauletich

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11/07/20 03:27 PM #1    

Robert Knox

My last memory of Joe was when we skiied together at Squaw Valley. The day we skied was during a heavy snow storm.  Keeping up with Joe was not easy.  Limited visability and heavy powder was not a problem for Joe.  Memories of Joe during our Tech days were all about having fun. Of course, when you were with Joe, as most of us remember, John was usually close by, as these brothers were mostly inseparable. My most vivid  memory of the Pauletich brothers was driving down the Warren Freeway in Joe and John's Ford convertible ( it was either a classic '47 or '48, and I can't remember which brother owned the car) when it apparently caught on fire.  Having bought a few six-packs of beer from Dwayne Tom's dad's store earlier in the day, we didn't let the fact that the car was on fire daunt us. Fortunately, whatever had caused the smoke billowing from the car corrected itself, and the fun continued. Joe was a great guy with a zest for life. He, along with his brother,  will be missed.

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